Our Blog

April 15, 2022
Marketing Agency Oceanside

Best Marketing Agencies in Oceanside, CA

Creating a new business doesn’t always translate into income. That is why many people are afraid to take the risk. Whether you’re a newbie or a veteran in the business, attracting enough customers is usually the first hurdle. For any new campaign, the more customers you attract and in addition, the greater the income you can [...]
April 15, 2022

Making the Hard Things Easy

Personal story. As some of you know, I run 3 miles every other day and have what most would consider a very intense and strict work out.  I fit more in a 12-minute daily super-set, than most people do in an hour at a gym.  I will get to the details in a minute, first let's talk about how to make anything that’s currently hard, easy.
April 14, 2022

Productivity – Never Skip Measurement Time

Measurement time is what holds productivity together.  The more you let it slide the less your team respects you or themselves.  If you are managing a team or even just managing yourself its time to fall in love with reporting. 
April 14, 2022
Design tips Logo or Webpage

Design Tips That Will Build Your Brand

Remove Design clutter, less is almost always more. Take out some elements and simplify them. A website is your virtual storefront it is how potential customers make assessments about your brand. If it is busy, cluttered, and disorganized it will reflect poorly.
April 14, 2022
Great Copywriting to Maximize Profit

Great Copy Writing to Maximize Profit

Copywriting is everywhere from ads, movies, articles you read, even the podcasts you listen to.  Every form of content is centered around great copy.  There is a significant difference between words and copywriting. Great copywriting informs and engages your audience.  Using great content and copy will help your business dominate your marketplace.
April 14, 2022

Lock-Down Lessons

The lockdown has been a blessing to me and to a lot of the country.  It made me refocus, after all, what the hell else could I do.  I was in a trance, go to work, complete whatever tasks were put in front of me, then at some point go home.  No real progress.  Then along comes, Corona Virus and the world changed.  Suddenly, massive change.  Our company had to go completely virtually.  No, unfortunately, we were not deemed essential although our clients would disagree. 
April 14, 2022

Compelling Social Media

There are over 3 billion social media users worldwide.  How many are following your brand?  All your social media should serve a purpose, every like, comment, reply, or post.
April 14, 2022
call to action cta

Creating an Effective (Killer) Call to Action CTA

A Call To Action CTA is why you click.  Have you ever seen an email or an ad, and it is so convincing that you clicked on it when you had no intention of looking?  That is a killer call to action.  As a business owner, that is the response you want when someone sees a piece of your digital marketing materials.
April 14, 2022

Social Media – From WTF to Hell Yes!

Getting from WTF to Hell Yes in your social media is easier than you think.  The first step is to focus on the Hell Yes instead of the WTF.   You wouldn’t be reading this if you didn’t already have that part right.
April 14, 2022
target audience marketing

Marketing 101, Everyone is Not Your Target Audience!

Marketing is about getting the right message, to the right audience, at the right time.  There is no “right” message for everyone so as you broaden your audience you dilute the message.  Then before you know it your campaign isn’t performing.
April 14, 2022
digital marketing agency meets business consultancy

Digital Marketing Strategy, a 12-Month Campaign!

Getting long-lasting results in marketing takes time and a long-term digital marketing strategy. 
April 14, 2022

Best Web Designers in Oceanside, CA

Since Everyone calls themselves a web design these days.  Listed below are a few that stand out for quality.  Here are what we consider to be the best web designers in Oceanside, California. We focus on longevity, reliably, client lists and quality of their portfolios.
April 14, 2022
Marketing Glossary

Marketing Glossary

Go McIntyre\’s marketing glossary is filled with tons of marketing terminology. Use the marketing glossary below to clarify any confusing lingo in marketing, advertising and more. Marketing Glossary Adwords (Google) – A program that is used to place ads on Google search results pages. Adwords is the main platform for PPC (Pay Per Click) Advertising. Analytics – A [...]
April 6, 2022


The biggest block strategic planning is half-assery. Here are some tips that will help your team make progress at virtually any endeavor.
April 3, 2022

Business Turn Around Shortcuts!

The Best Shortcut is Through the Wall. The first business turn around secret is whatever you think...