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June 13, 2023

Social Media Agency Carlsbad

December 8, 2020


Every year around January first most of America set a group of goals we call resolutions. We take usually...
April 15, 2022

Making the Hard Things Easy

Personal story. As some of you know, I run 3 miles every other day and have what most would consider a very intense and strict work out.  I fit more in a 12-minute daily super-set, than most people do in an hour at a gym.  I will get to the details in a minute, first let's talk about how to make anything that’s currently hard, easy.
April 21, 2022

Sales Process – 5 Keys to a Killer Sales

Sales Process – The Key to Growth and Profitability! Your sales process will drive your sales results. That can be a great thing or a disaster. New sales are the key to the growth of your company. Slow or inconsistent sales present the greatest threat to the very existence of your business.Every company has a sales [...]
April 22, 2022

How A Squirrel Helped Create A Billion Dollar Business

How to Create a Billion Dollar Business 101, By Jamie Kern Lima. Inspiration is like a spark that enables us to do and continue in life. Sometimes we can get them from a person we meet, place we visit, movies we watch, and more. But could you believe that there\’s someone who got inspiration from an [...]
April 15, 2022
copywriting and content marketing

Lean Marketing – 8 Weeks To Excellence

We love copywriting and content. A great story and a compelling call to action will always drive sales.
March 23, 2021
SEO 5 Easy Tips That Can Lead to Immediate Profit

SEO – 5 Easy Tips That Can Lead to Immediate Profit

SEO tips are a dime a dozen.  Here’s 4 cents worth.  Seriously though after 10 years managing of large SEO campaigns, here are some tips.
April 14, 2022
target audience marketing

Marketing 101, Everyone is Not Your Target Audience!

Marketing is about getting the right message, to the right audience, at the right time.  There is no “right” message for everyone so as you broaden your audience you dilute the message.  Then before you know it your campaign isn’t performing.
March 23, 2021
Gomcintyre agency

Email Marketing, How I Created One Million Leads

Email Marketing is not dead, in fact, one of the least expensive ways to generate business.  Email marketing boasts...
April 14, 2022
digital marketing agency meets business consultancy

Digital Marketing Strategy, a 12-Month Campaign!

Getting long-lasting results in marketing takes time and a long-term digital marketing strategy. 
October 26, 2020
Sales Training and Development

Sales Training and Development – Sell Yourself First

Whether the pitch is to a team, a client, an investor, or your spouse, you must sell yourself first. Sales training and development are key to this process.  Don’t work out the bugs in your vision on an unsuspected loved one, employee, prospect, or investor. Practice convincing yourself first, this process is like any other brainstorming. Get it all out first. Trim it up. Say it out loud. Adjust and work on it until you know you have it right. If you know you need to start this process now, you're in the right place. We will help.
April 21, 2022
want to win business

Sales Training – Do you Want to Win More Business?

If you want your sales team to win you more business, stop treating advertising and sales like one department in your company or endeavor. Advertising and marketing are there to aid a proactive sales team. Not to replace their efforts.  Here are some tips to help your team win more sales.
October 23, 2020

DOMINATE NOW Available on Amazon!

Dominate, The Best $18 You Will Ever Spend on Marketing. I wrote the book Dominate for everyone who...
April 15, 2022

Are You a Lean Marketer?

Lean marketing is a mindset that allows a business to grow even during the most challenging times. A Lean Marketer knows that growth is earned through creativity, planning, intelligent CPI measurement, and the use of that data to mold your campaigns.  Take the blinders off and watch your sales explode.   Whether you are just beginning [...]
April 14, 2022

Best Web Designers in Oceanside, CA

Since Everyone calls themselves a web design these days.  Listed below are a few that stand out for quality.  Here are what we consider to be the best web designers in Oceanside, California. We focus on longevity, reliably, client lists and quality of their portfolios.
April 21, 2022

Martech Solutions Implementation

Martech Solutions to drive down your CPA. Check out this short video about how to reduce your CPA using Martech Solutions quickly and easily.